when life throws you a challenge, are you equipped to choose the best option to deal with it?
actor robert ne niro once said; "the talent is in the choice." in other words, you must make the best choice available to you at a given point of time. the more choices you have, the better the chances of achieving your desired outcome.
two is better than one
in the philosophy of neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), if you have only one choice, it is not considered a choice at all.
if you have two or more choices, you have an opportunity to make the best decision to influnce the outcome. you can draw on the vast resources of your brain to create the choices for yourself. you can also reframe your problems and see them in a different perspective.
for example, you have a choice to remain as poor as church mouse or become more financially stable. you have a choice to be untidy or be organised. you have a choice to do it now or later. you have a choice to be a complacent or to be alert to opportunity.
no failure, only feedback
sometimes you make the wrong choice and the result is failure. take heart, making the wrong choice is better than not making any choices at all. at least, you take the initiative to act.
failure is not the opposite of success, but its by-product.
inaction, apathy and tolerence of mediocrity are the opposites of success.
we learn valuable lessons from failure, such as taking the hard knocks in life. the lessons are not taught in formal universities but out in the street.
in NLP, there is no such "failure". instead, failure is actually feedback that can be used to improve your performance. failure is a necessary part of success. it is actually a step before success.
many quit when confronted with failure, not knowing the next step is success.
an article copied from the star dated 23/08/2008, written Michael Lum, an american board of NLP trainer.
hasan al hadi said:
success is not the end. success is the journey. during the journey we will face all circumstances and obstacles. the way we handle and solve that, defines who we are. as henry ford once remarked: "failure is the only opportunity to begin more intelligently."
in our life we have been forced to make a choice. making a choice that does not mean we will face a failure. it is actually only an action. the result came after we made a choice is only a feedback from the choice that has been made.
an "afraid" (if we can say so) to make a choice is worst. people always blame the decision maker who made a decision. but if they do not made any decision we are no where. remains same!
i cannot imagine if in the world there are not many decision maker who dare making any choice!
salam perjuangan......
21 hours ago
salam bro.
sindrom "takut" nie memang ada di putrajaya..takut kena transfer..takut kena buang kuarters..takut tak dapat projek..takut tak dapat jadi kc & AJK BHGN..takut etc..
Masyarakat luar menganggap penduduk Putrajaya tergolong dalam kumpulan yang berpelajaran. Tetapi sebenar membaca semua artikel dan komen yang ditulis, jelas pemikiran mereka ini telah terperangkap dengan sentimen yang sempit yang disogok melalui ucapan-ucapan pemimpin setempat. Pemimpin2 ini sepeti ayam jantan menjelang pagi. dia akan naik ke tempat tinggi dan berkokok, walau pun sayup kedengaran kokokan ayam jantan lain dia dia tetap mempertahankan kokokannyalah yang paling kuat. Dia tak sedar kokokan yang sayup itu datangnya dari berkilometer jauhnya sedangan kokoknya kedengaran tak sampai pun setengah kilometer. Dia tetap kata dialah paling hebat dialah jebat, dia tak sedar kokokan dia yang dia dengartu keluar dari paruhnya sendiri yang hanya 1 cm dari telinganya. Itu lah Dunia, itu lah jebat Putrajaya. Siapa dia?
UMNO percaya kepada demokrasi, semua menjunjung demokrasi asalkan demokrasi diasaskan kepada kehendak rakyat Demokrasi ada tatasusila dan obligasinya. demikian juga ada 'unwritten law' dalam demokrasi. demokrasi turut patuh kepada undang-undang dan berkhidmat kepada rakyat. dalam pada itu, sungguh pun demokrasi memberi peluang kepada setiap rakyat bertindak dalam partinya, etapi terdapat ansir dalam parti yg menggunakan demokrasi utk mengekalkan kedudukan. perbuatan membeli undi, telatah ketua-ketua bahagian umno membayar yuran ahli semata-mata untuk menyokong demokrasi di saslahgunakan dan bertentangan dengan susila dan peraturan demokrasi. TUN DR. ISMAIL DATO ABDUL RAHMAN, 23 JUN 1972.
minta maaf aku masih anggap masyarakat Putrajaya :- Pandai tapi Bodoh, Celik tapi Buta, Dengar tapi Pekak, Berani tapi Takut ini lah pendirian orang2 UMNO Putrajaya, ada masyuk semua jadi beb..........
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